You (critter) killer!

I’m starting a post to list places to kill critters for the 100K critter killer guild achieve and the cute armadillo pup.

Critters that qualify for the dubious honor cannot yield loots.

From what they are saying on the forums ALL get credit for the kills in a group or raid. We should test that out.  I’m game if peeps need a break from dungeons. Here is what I have so far.

  • Penguins on islands off Borean Tundra and Dragonblight.
  • There is a tunnel here in the Eastern Plaguelands.  The tunnel comes out by Plaguewood Tower. You can kill spiders and other creepy things.
  • Herds of Sheep in Uldum are easily AOEd down, so stop by and kill them if farming or questing.  These sheep not instant respawns, so don’t stick around.
  • Turkeys in Borean Tundra. This is the place where you kill 15 for the achieve, Once dead, a mob of Angry Turkeys will appear to attack! They all count to the achievement.

Feel free to list more, go on a killing expedition for those critters!!  Who’s in for some mindless killing???